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Reyes Receives Ronald Reagan Leadership Medal

Reyes Receives Ronald Reagan Leadership Medal

This prestigious award is presented to high school juniors and/or seniors who best exemplify the following characteristics: Drive, Humility, and Service Before Self. Every high school in America may nominate one junior and/or one senior student for a Ronald Reagan Leadership Medal. This award allows schools to recognize outstanding high school students whose drive, integrity, and citizenship qualities are emblematic of our nation's 40th President. 


Like the 40th President, Reagan Leadership Medal awardees optimistically look ahead and pursue success with determination. They have the conviction, ambition, and courage to take initiative in their endeavors. They approach their goals with an “it can be done” persistence, and are not deterred by life’s challenges. Visionaries aspire to advance themselves and their communities with perpetual hope, self motivation, and the power of hard work. They model uncompromising discipline, reliability, and work ethic.


Reagan Leaders are rooted in their principles, values, and ethics. They possess the unique combination of altruism and empathy that defined President Reagan’s leadership. They inspire the respect of their peers by demonstrating genuine integrity, dependability, and hope for a brighter future. Reagan Leaders value and demonstrate a strong commitment to their role as a contributing member.

Service Before Self

Reagan Leaders are driven by a sense of commitment and moral compass to actively engage in their communities and enact positive change. Reagan Leaders exhibit President Reagan’s ideals of personal accountability, tolerance, and a belief in the human potential. They possess the awareness and internal motivation to improve and impact their communities. They serve selflessly in pursuit of prosperity for their fellow students and citizens. Reagan Leaders  share President Reagan’s unwavering patriotism and belief in the virtues and abilities of free people and the country they built. Often, they make sacrifices to support the overall needs of those around them.

More information can be found here.

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