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English Learners

It is a mission of Albertville City Schools to provide English Learners (EL) a high quality education that is designed to assist students in achieving English language proficiency and to meet challenging state academic content and student academic standards.

Albertville City Schools is proud of its diversity, representing over 20 different languages and cultures. As a member of the WIDA Consortium, ACS adheres to evidence-based teaching practices through the implementation of the English Learner Program. All EL students are placed at their age-appropriate grade level. As part of the registration process, students must complete a home language survey. If the home language survey lists a language other than English, students will be administered the WIDA screener to determine qualifications for EL services. If identified as EL, a plan will be developed to provide ongoing support for the student. Each year, EL students will take the ACCESS for ELs assessment to determine progress in English language acquisition. Once a student scores a composite score of 4.8 or higher on this assessment, the student will exit the EL Program but will continue to be monitored for four years. 

For more information about the Albertville City Schools EL Program, please contact EL Instructional Coach Teresa Stewart at