Enrolling at Albertville City Schools
Welcome to the enrollment department at Albertville City Schools! We have a dedicated team here to assist you with every step of the enrollment process. Currently, we have almost 6,000 students across seven schools. We are committed to providing all families with the information and support they need to join our vibrant and diverse educational community. Whether you're enrolling your child for the first time or transitioning between schools, we are here to help and guide you through the process.
Need to contact us?
Address Changes
If you are making an address change, you may scan and email two proofs of residence to jordanphillips@albertk12.org or visit the Albertville City Schools Enrollment Office located at 1100 Horton Road in Albertville. Proof of residence can include a copy of the lease/mortgage agreement, MUB utility bill, or government correspondence.
Enrollment Office
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our enrollment office by phone at (256) 894-5061, by email at jordanphillips@albertk12.org or in person at 1100 Horton Road in Albertville.
Equal Access
Pursuant to the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) and the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act as amended by ESSA, all homeless children, migrant, children in foster care and English Language Learners must have equal access to the same free appropriate public education provided to all children and youth.
All programs offered by the schools within the Albertville City School System shall be open to all students in compliance with statutory and judicial requirements. The enrollment of homeless, migrant, children in foster care and limited English proficient children shall not be denied due to any of the following barriers: lack of birth certificate, lack of school records or transcripts, lack of immunization records, lack of proof of residency, lack of transportation or unaccompanied (no guardian).
For information regarding the compliance of this statement, you may contact Tori Painter, Federal Programs Director, by phone at (256) 891-1183 or by email at tpainter@albertk12.org.
Albertville City School System seeks to find any child residing within the City of Albertville who has a disability, or that there is a perception of a disability, who may be in need of special services. This Child Find is in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. If anyone knows of a child who is between the ages of 3 and 21 who may need to be evaluated for special services, please call Albertville City School Special Education Director Candi McCullars at (256) 891-1183.
How do I enroll?
- New Students
- Out of District Students
- Returning Students
- Virtual Students
- Albertville Innovation Academy
New Students
If your child is a new student and needs to register for the 2024-2025 school year, please complete the registration below.
After completing the online registration, please visit the Albertville City Schools Enrollment Office located at 1100 Horton Road in Albertville. You will need to bring the documents below with you, or you can email them to jordanphillips@albertk12.org.
- Two proofs of residence that you reside inside the city limits of Albertville (preferably a copy of a lease or mortgage agreement, MUB utility bill, government correspondence, etc.)
- Documentation of student's legal guardian/custodian (parent, parent designated primary physical custodian, court appointed legal custodian)
- Age verification documentation (birth certificate)
- Social Security Card (if available)
- Parent/Guardian ID
- Alabama Immunization Record (if available)
- Withdrawal information from previous school (if available)
Out of District Students
This application is for students who are located outside the district, even if you are grandfathered in, and have attended ACS before or are a new student.
- Step #1: The parent/legal guardian of a non-resident student should complete the Out of District Enrollment Application between May 1, 2024, and June 30, 2024. This applies to all out of district students, even those who are grandfathered in. Parents/legal guardians are subject to the procedures and guidelines associated with this policy.
- Step #2: ACS will communicate to you by letter the acceptance or denial of enrollment. Students who are grandfathered in and students accepted into ACS will receive a Snapcode via the email address used on the application.
- Step #3: Use the Snapcode to complete the Returning [English / Spanish] or New Student Registration Form [English / Spanish].
All current and potential out of district students are required to complete both the Out of District Enrollment Application and the Returning or New Student Registration Form. Albertville City Schools reserves the right to withdraw students to the district to which they belong if the forms aren't completed.
Effective March 16, 2022, tuition will be charged for students who are considered non-resident students who wish to enroll in the Albertville City School District. Non-residential student tuition rates are as follows:
- $600 annually for one child
- $1,200 annually for two or more children.
Tuition is capped at $1,200 annually. Any student enrolled in Albertville City Schools prior to Feb. 15, 2022, is considered grandfathered in and is exempt from tuition associated with enrollment in Albertville City Schools. All students enrolling on or after Feb. 15, 2022, will be subject to the terms of ACS Policy 6.1.2 and stipulations associated with tuition for enrollment. There is no exemption for siblings of children who fall under the grandfather exemption.
Mid-Year Enrollment for Out of District Students
Albertville City Schools accepts applications for non-resident mid-year student enrollment each year during Dec. 1-15. All ACS requirements associated with the Non-Residence Enrollment Policy apply to prospective and accepted students.
- $300 for one child
- $600 for two more students
Returning Students
We are excited to welcome students back to Albertville City Schools for the 2024-2025 school year. You should have received your student's Snapcode via email. You'll use the Snapcode to fill out the returning student registration form below.
- 2024-2025 Returning Student Registration (English)
- 2024-2025 Returning Student Registration (Spanish)
If you are a returning student and having trouble locating your Snapcode for registration, please email zoraimapadilla@albertk12.org.
Virtual Students
Albertville City Schools is excited to offer a virtual learning experience for currently enrolled students in grades 9-12 who are zoned for Albertville City Schools. This option is available for students who wish to receive standards-based instruction in a virtual environment without attending classes in a traditional, face-to-face setting. This instructional model is suitable for highly motivated students who want to engage in educational experiences from home.
The virtual curriculum features courses in mathematics, science, language arts, world languages, social studies, and electives. In collaboration with the school counselor, AVA students will have the opportunity to select a virtual pathway to meet their individual learning goals. Students desiring a virtual, non-traditional learning environment are encouraged to apply.
AVA Facts
All learning occurs remotely. Learning materials can be accessed anywhere, at any time, using online learning management systems.
All instructional materials are pre-recorded and self-paced, allowing flexibility for students.
Devices will be provided by Albertville City Schools.
Students are required to have access to internet service.
Students will receive additional academic support as needed.
Students must come to campus for all standardized testing.
Course schedules will be determined by the AVA counselor, who will work with students to ensure a schedule that best fits their academic needs within the virtual learning setting.
AVA follows the ACS school calendar for all beginning and end dates of the school year, holidays, breaks, and weather days.
Students who graduate from high school as an AVA student will receive a diploma from Albertville City Schools and are eligible for honors graduate designations and participation in the ceremony.
Extracurricular Opportunities
All extracurricular participation must be approved by the AHS school administrator.
Approved students can participate in athletics at AHS but are subject to Alabama High School Athletic Association eligibility.
Students can participate in any joint event hosted by AHS and AIA that occurs outside typical school hours upon approval of the AIA and AHS principal (i.e., homecoming events, Prom, graduation ceremonies, etc.) and are found to be in good academic standing.
Students will be required to maintain course grade averages of 60-percent or higher in all courses to remain at AVA.
At the midway point, students with course averages below 60-percent in all academic courses will be contacted by AVA and school administration to schedule in-person academic support time (Tier III) to address non-mastery of standards.
Students will be expected to meet weekly progress goals for the entirety of the school year.
Please be aware that according to guidelines and procedures set by Albertville City Schools, an evaluation of your student's academic history will be conducted to determine eligibility for AVA.
Next Steps After Applying
Students will be notified of their acceptance to AVA via email by an ACS staff member with instructions for next steps. It's important to provide a valid email address on the application. There will be an in-person orientation for all AVA students and families to answer any questions and meet the AVA staff. The date, time, and location will be sent after your student's enrollment has been approved.
Attendance Procedures
AVA students must complete and submit course assignments in accordance with due dates to make adequate progress toward course completion.
Students must communicate with AVA staff as needed via the learning management platform, telephone conversations, and email correspondence.
Students will adhere to the Albertville City Schools calendar for attendance days. Students may choose to work on non-instructional days, but support may be limited or unavailable.
For more information, please contact Albertville Innovation Academy Principal Tyler Reeves by email at treeves@albertk12.org or by phone at (256) 891-1183.
Albertville Innovation Academy
The Albertville Innovation Academy offers a diverse lineup of career and technical education programs designed to prepare students for success in a rapidly evolving workforce.
These programs allow students to explore their career interests and provide stepping stones for students interested in furthering their education at the collegiate level or joining the workforce. Students at AIA will have a career-focused curriculum that includes comprehensive core academic instruction. They will also have highly qualified career tech and academic teachers and access to an outstanding facility and equipment. Students will be able to earn industry certifications and have opportunities to participate in dual enrollment for both core academic and CTE courses. Students will still be able to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, band, student leadership organizations, etc. They will also be able to run school-based enterprises and work in local businesses.
Information on enrolling at AIA will be available in the spring of 2025. Check back for more information!