• Mission Statement
    The mission of Albertville Kindergarten and Pre-K is to build a foundation for life-long learning by providing a safe, secure, and loving environment that promotes peace by motivation, encouraging and supporting all students.
    -Working, Playing, Learning.....Together
    Our Philosophy
    Our goal is to provide a quality instructional program with high expectations for all students, staff, and administrators. We believe that education is a cooperative effort between the home, school and community that nurtures a child's complete development.
    We believe that kindergarten should provide a learning environment that is meaningful for children by integrating subject matter into units of study that begin with the development of the child's understanding of the world around him or her. Learning is directly related to the child's everyday surroundings in an environment rich with literature and print.
    The planned outcome of our program is that every student will leave kindergarten with the skills necessary to progress in the future and a lifelong love of learning.